Framework for Effective Virtual Learning Environments Adoption in Higher Institutions of Learning: Case Study Mountains of the Moon University, Uganda Pentecostal University and Uganda Martyrs University Fort Portal Campus, Uganda.
Year: 2016
Author: Bukenya Moses
Supervisor: Richard Ssembatya
The use of virtual learning Environments in higher institutions of learning is one important aspect of improving access to learning materials with any time anywhere phenomenon. The implementation and adoption of such technologies in European countries has proved to be a success. However, developing countries still have challenges that have hindered the adoption of the same.
The purpose of this research project was to develop a framework for the effective implementations and adoption of virtual learning environments in higher learning institutions in Uganda.
The problem this work has addressed is the low adoption rate of virtual learning environments among higher learning institutions. The researcher found out that virtual learning environments implementers and users have had different challenges such as power fluctuations, internet connectivity problems, poor ICT infrastructures, inadequate financial resources, lack of policies, inadequate management support, low skills of VLEs trainers among others. All these have made accessing the platforms for effective use and implementation difficult. These challenges have been well analyzed and discussed in chapter four A qualitative approach was used to obtain comprehensive data about VLEs adoption and implementation in the three Universities (Mountains of the Moon University, Uganda Pentecostal university and Uganda Martyrs University Fort Portal campus) as the research case study. Questionnaires, interviews and literature review were both used as data collection tools. A purposive non probability reliable sample size was selected from both students and staff members. The design method was used to model the framework for the effective VLEs adoption and implementation. Professional statistical software (SPSS), Data quality management procedures were used to come up with reliable results. Likert scale validation method was used to validate the framework to prove whether it can improve the VLEs implementation and adoption.
The result of this work is a framework for the effective implementation and adoption of virtual learning environments in higher learning institutions. This was designed after examining and investigating the Virtual learning environments from world, regional and national perspectives. The factors for the low adoption of VLEs were also examined prior the designing of the framework. The framework was tested and validated by experts, where they were required to answer 1 - Strongly Disagree 2- Disagree 3 - Not sure 4 - Agree 5 Strongly agree. The framework validation results show that all experts confirmed and agree that the framework is relevant and can be a great tool for virtual learning environments implementation and adoption.