Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Nexus Sustainability of Roads Projects: a Case Study: South Sudan Rural Roads Project-Ssrrp
Year: 2018
Supervisor: Ssemakula Joseph
The purpose of the study was to establish the effects of Participatory M&E on Sustainability of Roads projects in South Sudan. The study’s specific objectives included; to examine the effect of stakeholder learning on sustainability of roads project, to establish the relationship between stakeholder communication and sustainability of roads projects and to establish the effects of transparency and accountability on project sustainability
A sample size of 56 respondents was used for the study. The sample size was determined using Morgan and Krejcie table (see Apendix 3) as given by Amin, (2005). This consist of 27 Community Beneficiaries, 8 Local Leaders, 13 Staff Members of Ministry of Roads and Transport and 8 Staff Members of Juba County. The research employed a case study research design that employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Case study was made a thorough examination on how participatory monitoring and evaluation affects sustainability of road projects, specifically Juba sub-county. Simple random and purposive sampling was used during the study.
It was established that stakeholder learning affects sustainability of roads projects. Learning makes stakeholders participate in informing project managers about the challenges that affects them and therefore leading to informed decision making. This helps in promoting road sustainability and therefore reducing costs incurred by tax payers. There is a relationship between stakeholder communication and sustainability of road projects. Good communication between stakeholders and project consultants promotes the discovery of challenges that may affect the project at an early time. Communication also reduces the cases of embezzlement of project funds as stakeholders can always report all problems. Transparency and accountability affects project sustainability. Transparency helps in improving the quality of work done and also the costs involved. Accountability reduces the level of funds embezzlement in the project and therefore promoting better performance. All in all, participatory monitoring and evaluation affects sustainability of road projects in Southern Sudan.
The study recommended that community members should be sensitized on the relevancy of their participation in road projects and therefore improving their morale. The government of the republic of south Sudan should put in place permanent accountability systems to ensure in the monitoring of road projects