Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Farmer Adoption of Improved Inputs in Maize-Production in Serere District: a Case Study of Olio Sub-County
Year: 2017
Author: Ekwangu Joseph
Supervisor: Joseph Buchan Kisoga
The major objective of the study was to establish the factors affecting farmer adoption of improved input in maize production in Olio Sub County Serere District. The specific objectives were; To examine the magnitude of maize production in Olio Sub-county Serere District, to determine the level of awareness and adoption of improved inputs in maize production in Olio Sub-county Serere District, to examine the factors affecting the adoption of improved inputs in maize production in Olio Sub-county and to suggest strategies to enhance the adoption of improved inputs in maize production in Olio Sub County.
The study employed a case study design with qualitative and quantitative methods of inquiry; the qualitative method used was observation while quantitative method used was a survey. A sample size of 68 respondents was selected for interview. Fifty (50) respondents were randomly selected and 18 respondents were purposively selected from the list of households at the Sub-county. Out of the 18 respondents purposively selected ten were opinion leaders and eight were agricultural researchers. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data source was from the respondents and the instruments used were, observation checklist, questionnaire, Focus Group Discussion guide and interview guide while secondary data were obtained from review of literature from various sources such as Text Books, Journals, Magazines, Newspapers and Internet. Data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 10. Two types of analyses were done; Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentages) and inferential statistics (Chi-square, correlation and regression). The logistic model was used to answer the general objective of the study because of its relative mathematical simplicity and the author’s familiarity with using it.
The study found out that the improved inputs used by farmers were, improved seeds, fertilizer and pesticides. Less than 50% of famers interviewed were found to have adopted the use of improved inputs in maize production. Education level, land size, income level, access to information from extension workers were Socio-economic factors affecting the adoption of improved inputs in maize production in Serere district.
The study concludes that addressing the Socio-ecomic factors (limited access to information, low extension to famer contact, low income levels, land size, marital status and education level) among farmers would contribute to increase in adoption level of the use of improved inputs in maize production in Serere district.
The study recommends that, farmers should be sensitized and trained on the use of improved inputs, Government to subsidize the cost of fertilizer and pesticides to enable them become affordable for farmers and famers to be encouraged to form groups such as SACCOS to enable them buy inputs in bulk and benefit from the big discounts associated to bulk buying and to access low interest credit for acquisition of improved inputs for yield improvement of maize.