The Effectiveness of Governent’s Poverty Eradication Programs on the Youth in Moyo Sub-Conty, Moyo District
Year: 2018
Supervisor: Francis De sales Lubyayi
The main objective of the study was to establish the effectiveness of Government’s Poverty Eradication Programs on the Youth in Moyo Sub County, Moyo district. This study was guided by 4 objectives which were to; establish the criteria used for selecting beneficiaries for government poverty eradication programs, establish the extend of self-sustainability of the youths project after the end of funding from the government and donors, find out the level of youths’ satisfaction about the government poverty eradication programs and recommend how best youths can benefit from government poverty eradication programs. The study employed a case study design and 1000 respondents were targeted, the sample size was 278 youths and Local Council one and youth executives, this was arrived at by using Krejeie & Morgan table of determining a sample size, simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were used. The study used questionnaire and interview method of data collection, data was analyzed using Excel. This study which was contacted in 5 parishes and 18 villages found out that 99 (54%) of the respondents were females compared to 86 (46%) male respondents, majority of their age lies between 25-29 (80) 20-25 (62), 30-34 (35) and 8 (15-19), of this 61% of the respondents were single, 35% married and only 4% had been in marriage previously. The study found out that only 33 (17.8%) of the respondents were aware of the criteria used for selecting beneficiaries, compared to 152 (82.2%) who were not aware. On the sustainability of the project, the study found out that 61 (33.0%) indicated that the projects will be sustainable while 124 (67.0%) believed that the projects will not be sustainable once the funding ends. The study further established that 177 (96%) of 185 of the respondents were dissatisfied with this program, only 8 (4%) of 185 are satisfied with the program. The study concluded that the poverty eradication programs meant for the youths have not made much effectiveness on the livelihoods of the youths as expected because of corruption, inadequate sensitization, unclear selection procedures, lack of consultation of the locals about their needs hence dissatisfaction, unclear sustainability plans. The study therefore recommends that there should be proper needs assessment, consultation of the local authorities, proper monitoring of the activities, early disbursement of funds and inputs, establishing local nursery bed in the district, punishing the corrupt officials, more sensitisation of the youths about the program, and clear criteria for selecting beneficiaries.