Role of Procurement Practices on the Performance of Service Delivery in Local Governments in Uganda Case Study: Kotido District Local Government
Year: 2015
Supervisor: Michael Byamugisha Tibenderana
The purpose of this study was to assess the role of procurement practices on the performance of service delivery in Uganda with a case study of Kotido district local government. The study objectives were to assess the effect of procurement practices on performance of service delivery, assess effect of contract management on the performance of service of service delivery and to assess the relationship of between budgeting and performance of service delivery that aimed to assess service performance in terms of transparency, efficiency and effectiveness.
A sample population of 63 respondents (Krejcie and Morgan, 1970) was used during data collection where questionnaires was the only research tool used for data collection. The data was analyzed using SPSS with Pearson correlation coefficient to establish the relationship between budgeting and service delivery. The data was presented in tabular and descriptive form giving frequency, mean, and standard deviation as means of measure.A total of 52 respondents turned up giving a response rate of 82.5% of which the majority were males with a response rate of 73.1% and 26.9% being females.
The findings revealed that there is poor procurement practices in Kotido district local government with increased cases of corruption, frauds, bribes and poor contract management leading to poor quality service delivery. Due to lack of community engagement during budgeting there is increased resource misallocation leading to failure to meet community needs and wants by service providers