The Effect of Training on Employee Performance in Regulatory Authorities a Case Study of Uganda Revenue Authority
Year: 2015
Supervisor: Maurice Mukokoma
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effects of training on employee performance, using Uganda Revenue Authority in Uganda as case study. In order to understand the study aim, the general objective was to assess the effect of training dimensions on employee performance at Uganda Revenue Authority and specifically:
To determine the effect of training needs assessment on employee performance at Uganda Revenue Authority.
To establish the effect of training contents and delivery approaches on employee performance at Uganda Revenue Authority.
To examine the effect of Training evaluation on employee performance at Uganda Revenue Authority.
A qualitative research approach of the data collection and analysis was adopted using a self-administered questionnaire and conducting an interview. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used. Field research was employed where the researcher seeks permission from URA management to do a field research in their organization. This is through an official letter to the management of URA. In addition to that questionnaires were used whereby questions are designed and sent to the case study area to help in data collection from the opinions and answers to the questions. The questionnaires are conducted for a person or a group of employees. The feedback from the employees is recorded and data is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Passive observation which is the one involving the study of the organization without any active participation in it’s operations. Furthermore the researcher carried out collection of data outside the case study by using text books such as those of Human Resource Management available in the University library, newspapers and previous dissertations. A lot of information was collected from the internet which is the World Wide Web that avails various relevant information, images and videos about various things. A lot of information has been got from the internet using the computers at the University library and my mobile Smartphone.
Among other factors, employee training has been pragmatically regarded as a contributor towards better productivity, motivation and general workforce skills development. Past studies have shown that employees who receive regular training are capable of giving the organizations competitive advantages. However this depends on how much emphasis and resources the organizations devote to training process itself. Similarly, the best impact of training process will be realized if the organizers are keeping trend with market needs.