Impact of Stress on Employees’ Performance in Organisations in Uganda Case Study: Seyani International Company
Year: 2014
This study seeks to examine the impact of stress on employee performance in organizations in Uganda. Stress is a common problem across occupations and impacts both positively and negatively on employee performance depending on its level of occurrence and in different forms. This study will base on occupational forms of stress like role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict and task control and how they impact on employee performance in organizations in Uganda. Most contemporary studies highlight the negative impacts of stress on employee performance(distress) but mild stress is known to enhance employee performance (eustress) and the symptoms can affect employee’s energy levels, motivation and their quality and quantity may suffer and cause anxiety, depression, absenteeism, turn over and also mental problems among employees. In this regard stress can either be helpful or harmful to job performance of employees depending upon its level for instance when employees are not stressed, job challenges are limited and therefore performance becomes low but when stress increases gradually, job performance also tends to increase because stress helps employees gather and use resources to meet job requirements. Therefore this study is intended to provide possible impact of stress on employees’ performance in organizations so that employees are aware of them and managers of different organizations devise ways of managing it among their employees for better performance.