Business Information Architecture and Information Access Case Study: Kenjoy Supermarket, Najjanankumbi, Along Entebbe Road
Year: 2016
Supervisor: Moses Kibrai
lThe study examines business information architecture and information access. Dimensions for business information architecture include information technology, information systems and information management and under information access, dimensions include internet, intraweb and social media. The study was guided by three specific objectives namely: relationship between information technology and information access, relationship between information systems and information access and the relationship between information management and information access. The researcher used quantitative data collection approach which established the relationship between business information architecture and information access. Sample size was 44 respondents derived from the Krejice and Morgan table under a whole population of 50 employees with the major data collection tool being the questionnaire.
Basing on information technology and information access, the researcher found out that businesses need to acquire computer literacy knowledge to be able to interact with the ever advancing technologies for the purpose of making rational decisions basing on the information they get from different platforms. On information systems and information access the researcher found out that organizational personnel need to understand the functions of different hardware equipments and software to be able make use of them in achieving business goals and also for information management and information access, it was found out that there is need for all businesses to control the outflow of their information mainly in form of records especially financial records to be only released to individuals whom it is deemed necessary and relevant for them to access it.
The researcher recommends that businesses should put in effort to access information relevant to their operations and which can aid them in rational decision making, suggesting choices based on factual knowledge they have about the subject matter being discussed. This will aid in passing reliable decisions that can also be a point of reference in the future as many regimes of management begin and end with time and most probably, they could be almost the same issues that were faced then and need the application of past data for that organization, hence a need to acquire information relevant to the business operations.