Open Access
Bioline International
Bioline International is a pioneer in the provision of open access to peer reviewed bioscience journals published in developing countries. These journals contain timely research on public health, international development, tropical medicine, food and nutritional security, and biodiversity. -
Bioinformatic Advances
This is a fully open access, peer-reviewed journal published jointly by Oxford University Press and by the International Society for Computational Biology. The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, application notes, opinion, perspective and Society features. -
Biology Methods and Protocols
It publishes papers presenting or using new or improved methods in biological sciences, biomedicine, pre-clinical and translational research. The journal also publishes review papers devoted to methods used these both fields. It primarily publishes in the areas of genetics and heredity, biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, ecology, evolutionary biology, marine and freshwater biology, cell biology and medicine. -
BJS Open
The journal offers prompt publication of high-quality original research and presents new information related to surgery in general, encompassing all sub-specialist areas as well as elements of trauma and paediatric surgery that are relevant to general surgical practice, across the international surgical community. -
Brain Communications
The journal is committed to fair, transparent, and author-friendly publication of rigorous research studies related to neurological and psychiatric disease or maintaining brain health. -
Burns and Trauma
This is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing the latest developments in basic, clinical, and translational research related to burns and traumatic injuries, with a special focus on various aspects of biomaterials, tissue engineering, stem cells, critical care, immunobiology, skin transplantation, prevention, and regeneration of burns and trauma injury.
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